Knight Arts Academy is resuscitating the highest values of the asleep Serbian spirit. With knight fencing and fighting, Byzantine (fashion) textile art, discovering and affirming new painters, singers, musicians, movie art is taking a large place in our creating vision. By this way, we re inviting all angels to discover people, organisations, movements, inspired
to help us to realize a great movie project, a medieval kosovian historical and spiritual reconstruction, in which the brightness of Despot Stefan is representing Serbia in an unreached spirit, beauty, color, smell, love,

highness, vertu... until now.

  Our activities also comprise frequent visits and contributions to our Orthodox Holy Places, led by Princess Linda.

   Knight Arts Academy is fostering love for God, love for the native country and love for St. Stefan, its Patron celebrated as "krsna slava".

   Knight Arts Academy particularly fosters love for the children and uses
its best efforts to show them the road of light, dignity and salvation, and in this contaminated world living at a very rapid pace, help them
preserve, as long as possible, the soul and mind of angel purity, teach them to respect the others and respect their being different. This can be
achieved through self-respect, respect of one’s own talents and values, good knowledge of one’s own culture and development of all dormant talents and possibilities. We must not allow the current crisis to jeopardize the achievements of all numerous previous generations! We are a living bridge between different civilizations, a link between the past and future, a close connection between small differences.

Knight Arts Academy

TV and movie production "Parsifal"

Музичко и књижевно издаваштво “Христал”

Продукција, арт дирекција и букинг
музичко-културних догађаја “Византа”

Текстилна (модна) марка “Јерина”

Витешко-словенско градитељство “Чардак”

Поклоничка Путовања “Ходољубве”

Факс/Телефон: +381 (0)64 1389 991
Телефон: +381 (0)11 25 09 452







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